Montreal 2024 Members' Conference Presentations

The Union's Members' Conference 2024 was held in Montreal, Canada from Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 May. As the event was being held in the home of both ICAO and IATA, the opportunity was taken to invite representatives to present on the major issues and challenges being faced by both organisations. The Union was pleased that, following the formal opening of the Conference by the Union's President, the opening Session continued with a joint presentation by Michael Gill, Director of Legal Affairs & External Relations at ICAO, and Carlos Tornero, Director of Legal Services at IATA, who gave an overview of Critical Issues and Workstreams:

The Montreal 2024 Members' Conference Presentations (both the videos and accompanying PowerPoint slides) are available for Union Members through the links below.

For information about joining the Union, please contact the Secretary General

Montreal 2024 Welcome & Opening Address Oli Duglosch (President) / Neil Smith

Montreal 2024 Opening Session ICAO/IATA Issues Facing the Airline Sector : Michael Gill (ICAO) and Carlos Tornero (IATA)

Montreal 2024 Closing Remarks, Workshop Summary and 2025 Venue Confirmation (Oli Duglosch, IUAI President)



Airlines Study Group Presentations 2024

Airlines Study Group Presentation Topics/Speakers:

Introduction Kenneth Stroger (TransRe), ASG Chair

Hull Deductibles, from Origins to today's Realities MC Ernst (USAIG)

IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement - is Art. 8.5 still fit for purpose? Emanuele Olivetti (Assicurazioni Generali)

A Lessors Approach to Risk & Asset Recovery Neil Dave (HDI Global)/Antoine Chereau, (AvBench)

Cost of Net Zero Transition - An Airline's Headache Hector Gallegos (MAPFRE)

AVN52 Update - Where are we now? Malcolm Brett (La Reunion Aerienne)

Go To ASG Montreal 2024 Presentations

General Aviation Study Group Presentations 2024

Introduction – Diego Suarez (Global Aerospace), GASG Chair

UAM/eVTOL – Chris Proudlove (Global Aerospace)/David Harrington (Condon & Forsyth)

Runway Incursions /FSF BARS Project – Yesid Suarez (Flight Safety Foundation)

Brazilian Agricultural Aviation – Carlos Polizio (MAPFRE)

Business Jet Activity Across France and the Rest of Europe – Christophe Kleider (La Reunion Aerienne)

GA in Canada – a Market Overview – Steven Godfrey (HDI Global)

Go To GASG Montreal 2024 Presentations

Manufacturers, Products & Airports Study Group Presentations 2024

Introduction – Michel Rohr (Swiss Re), MPASG Chair

Future Trends in Business Aviation: Innovations in Private Jet Technology & Market Dynamics – Enguerran Michel (Bombardier)

Grounding – Education & History – Sven Karnagel (PartnerRel)

Airline Safety v Statistics – Graham Daldry (La Reunion Aerienne)

McLarens Index – Claims Cost Update – John Bayley (McLarens Aviation)

Go To MPASG Montreal 2024 Presentations

Cyber & Emerging Risks Presentations 2024

Aerospace Emerging Risks – Tom Hughes (IUA)/Florian Zierer (Swiss Re)

Aviation Cyber Risks, Insurance & Regulatory Requirements (Panel Discussion)
Roland Kuesters (Munich Re) (Moderator),George Leloudas (Swansea University), Andreas Schlayer (Munich Re), Andrew Opolot (ICAO), Sylvian Lefoyer (ICAO)

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) – Ruby Sayyed (ICAO)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The Impact for our Industry (Panel Discussion)
Michel Brafman (La Reunion Aerienne) (Moderator), Stefan Michel Wedening (McGill University) – Overview & Panellist, Anna Anatolitou (DAC Beachcroft), Akiko Hama (Global Aerospace), Benjamin Cramet (EuroControl)*, Patrick Fabiani (Dassault Aviation)*
*Via VideoLink

Go To CERG Montreal 2024 Presentations

Legal & Claims Study Group Presentations 2024

Introduction – Sharon Holahan (Global Aerospace), LCSG Chair

Major Claims Update – Brendan Lumb (AXA/XL)

Montreal Convention & Psychological Injuries – Giles Kavanagh (HFW)

PTSD Case Updates – Sharon Holahan

JAL Update Natsuyuki Furumai (Tokyo Marine & Nachido Fire)

PFAS Update – Kerry Porter (USAIG)

Ground Handlers & Airlines Relationship – A Growing Imbalance? – Sebastien Saillard (Allianz Global)

Composite Aircraft Recovery – John Bayley (McLarens Aviation)

Go To LCSG Montreal 2024 Presentations

Space Risks Study Group Presentations 2024

Introduction – Pascal Lecointe (Hiscox MGA), SRSG Chair

Annual AXA/XL Space Risks Statistics – Chris Kunstadter/Rob Schenone (AXA/XL)

Reset of Space Insurance - Pascal Lecointe

  Risk Considerations for Lunar Missions – Neil Fleming (Ascot/Nebula Space Consortium)

Evolving Space Landscape – Changing Risks – Kate Maliga (LeoLabs)

Go To SRSG Montreal 2024 Presentations

2025 Members' Conference

Our 2025 Members' Conference will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from Tuesday  3 to Thursday 5 June 2025.

Prague 2025 Members’ Conference